Postdoc-Stipendium der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung “A Meeting Place: Transition Between the Middle and Late Bronze Age in Eastern Croatia from the Bottom Up”

Middle Bronze Age (MBA) and early Late Bronze Age (LBA) material remains from the Carpathian Basin have attracted the attention of the archaeological community since the early days of our discipline. Throughout the years a significant amount of scholarly work focused on the examination of the MBA and early LBA in the Carpathian Basin, which resulted in a relatively good understanding of socio-cultural developments on a diachronic level. The Carpathian Basin witnessed a variety of socio-cultural transformations during the course of these two periods. The changes were closely connected to the interaction through various intra- and interregional interaction networks. However, these periods have not been explored with the same intensity in all parts of the Carpathian Basin. Developments in its southwestern part, which covers the northern part of modern-day Croatia, remain poorly understood. This research project revisits the period between 1700 and 1100 BCE in the southwestern part of the Carpathian Basin, with a specific focus on the eastern part of modern-day Croatia. It examines both the well-known and published, as well as the unpublished data sets from various sites in Eastern Croatia.
The project explores two closely connected research topics. The first research topic focuses on the question of continuity and change in the period between 1700 and 1100 BCE (the MBA and the early LBA). It examines stratigraphic evidence and absolute dating (14C) from Eastern Croatia and the nearby regions in order to adjust the chronological framework currently used in Croatian archaeology to the chronologies employed in other parts of the Carpathian Basin. The second research topic focuses on the influence of intra- and interregional interaction networks on the formation of the MBA and early LBA in Eastern Croatia. The aim of this topic is to determine the distribution patterns of specific material forms from the bottom up, as well as to examine the socio-cultural change on a diachronic level. Although current research defines several different cultural groups in the relatively small area of the Eastern Croatia, this project aims to deconstruct the perception of prehistoric communities as container-like cultural groups. It examines each community as a node in a number of intra- and interregional interaction networks.
Dr. des. Filip Franković
Lehrstuhl für Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie
Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Residenzplatz 2
97070 Würzburg
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
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