English Intern
  • Auszüge aus magischen Texten aus Kulturen des Altertums (Griechisch, Hieratisch, Demotisch, Akkadisch): British Library P 122; British Museum P Chester Beatty 7 und P Leiden/London; BM 34065
DFG Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe MagEIA



The MagEIA Centre convenes an annual international symposium on specific themes in the study of ancient magical text traditions in an interdisciplinary perspective.


The weekly MagEIA research seminars started in January 2024. They are held every week during the semester periods on Mondays, 14–16, and Wednesdays, 10–12, in the Seminar Room of the MagEIA House.


MagEIA organizes lecture series and occasional lectures on topics arising from the study of the magical text traditions of antiquity.For occasional lectures, see the calendar on the MagEIA page

2024 lecture series "Von bösen und guten Mächten: Dämonen, Geister und Schutzgenien in der Ritualwelt des Altertums"

Further Activities

Further activities of MagEIA members include lectures, contributions to conferences, our and MagEIA Blog, and, last but not least, our MagEIA Interview Series "Roots of Magic" in cooperation with the  SHWEP Podcast.