  • Auszüge aus magischen Texten aus Kulturen des Altertums (Griechisch, Hieratisch, Demotisch, Akkadisch): British Library P 122; British Museum P Chester Beatty 7 und P Leiden/London; BM 34065
DFG Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe MagEIA

Dr. Beatrice Baragli

ORCID: 0000-0002-3549-2012

Research Interests

  • Sumerology
  • Sumerian-Akkadian Bilingualism,
  • Ancient Near Eastern Literature, Religion, Magic and Rituals
  • Representations of the Mesopotamian Sun God

Curriculum Vitae

2015–19 Ph.D., LMU München: Department of Assyriology and Hittitology. Supervisors: Prof. Dr W. Sallaberger, PD Dr. A. Löhnert.
2014–15 M.A., University of Florence: Languages and Civilizations of Ancient and Modern East. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. A. Catagnoti, Dr. M. Bonechi.
2011–13 B.A., University of Florence: Ancient Literature – Oriental Curriculum. Supervisors: Prof. Dr M.V. Tonietti, Prof. Dr A. Catagnoti.
Academic Positions
since 11/2023 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, KFG MagEIA, University of Würzburg
10/2020–10/2023 Postdoctoral fellow, The Hebrew Universuty of Jerualem: The Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Project title: Late Sumerian: Evolution or Decay?
03/2020–08/2020 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, LMU Munich: Department of Assyriology and Hittitology. Project: CAIC (Cuneiform Artefacts in Context).
11/2019–02/2020 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, LMU Munich: Department of Assyriology and Hittitology. Project: RIBo (The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online).
06/2019–09/2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Project title: The Development of the First Millennium Sumerian. Exchange program “LMU-UCB Research in the Humanities”.
12/2018 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, LMU Munich: Historisches Seminar der LMU, Alte Geschichte, Project: MOCCI (Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative).
04/2015–03/2018 Ph.D. candidate as Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, LMU Munich: Graduate School Distant Worlds, Department of Assyriology and Hittitology. Project title: Sonnengrüße. Die sumerischen Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen.
04/2014–03/2015 Predoctoral Fellow (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, LMU Munich): Graduate School Distant Worlds, Department of Assyriology and Hittitology.



Edited books

  • 2021: Beatrice Baragli, Albert Dietz, Zsombor J. Földi, Patrizia Heindl, Polly Lohmann and Sarah P. Schlüter (eds.): Distant Worlds and Beyond: Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021), Distant Worlds Journal Special Issues 3 (Heidelberg: Propylaeum).

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • 2025 : Beatrice Baragli, Saki Kikuchi: “Hermeneutic Strategies of Mesopotamian Scholars”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 145, 155-172 
  • 2024: Hannelore Agnethler, Beatrice Baragli: “dumu diĝir-ra-na: The god’s filiation in Mesopotamian incantation literature”, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 24, 151-205
  • 2024: Sahala, A., Baragli, B., Lentini, G. & Tushingham P.: "Towards a Word Similarity Gold Standard for Akkadian: Creation and Model Optimization". IDANES 66, 4-14.
  • 2023: Beatrice Baragli, Peter Zilberg: “An Old Babylonian fragment featuring the sun-god”, Orientalia 92, 320-326.
  • 2023: Beatrice Baragli, Uri Gabbay: “The Ritual for Opening a Canal from Nineveh”, Iraq 85, 73-84.
  • 2023: Beatrice Baragli, Jeremiah Peterson: “Utu and Inana: A Sumerian Cultic Song Containing a Myth Featuring the Journey of the Rising Sun, the Appearance of the Morning Star, and the Aromatics Trade”, Oriens Antiquus 5, 11-62.
  • 2022: Beatrice Baragli, “The Bilingual Chiasmus: A Unique Rhetorical Device for ‘Knotting’ Words in Sumerian-Akkadian Literature”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 81, 261-281.
  • 2022: Beatrice Baragli, “The Sun of Nippur: Tracing the Origin of Old Babylonian Sumerian Compositions to Utu Based on Literary Features”, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 112, 321-346.
  • 2022: Beatrice Baragli, “From the eBL Lab 34. Further Kiutu Fragments and Joins”, KASKAL 19, 185-190.
  • 2022: Beatrice Baragli, Daisuke Shibata: “From the eBL Lab 35. BM 38873: A Parallel Fragment to Kiutu M”, KASKAL 19, 190-193.
  • 2021: Beatrice Baragli, Zsombor J. Földi: “From the eBL Lab 23. A Harsh Punishment for an Evil Spirit: New Fragments of a Sumerian Kiutu from Ashurbanipal’s Library”, KASKAL 18, 233-238.
  • 2019: Beatrice Baragli, “Abracadabra incantations: Non-sense or healing therapies?”, KASKAL 16, 293-321.
  • Accepted: “The Sumerian Compound Verbs in the First Millennium”, Proceedings of the Workshop “Late Sumerian: Case Studies, Challenges, Perspectives”, Welt des Orients.
  • Accepted: Beatrice Baragli, Uri Gabbay: “Preface”, Proceedings of the Workshop ‘Late Sumerian: Case Studies, Challenges, Perspectives’, Welt des Orients.
  • Accepted: Beatrice Baragli, “To each his own Language: Explaining Linguistic Diversity in Ritual Texts and Incantations”, Proceedings of the Workshop “Who is it (good) for? Ritual texts and ritual performances”, Welt des Orients.

Articles in non-peer-reviewed journals and reviews

  • 2023: Beatrice Baragli, Armando Bramanti: “Fourth meeting of the Giovani Ricercatori Italiani di Storia e Filologia del Vicino Oriente Antico (GRISeF-VOA) – Ricerche in corso”, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2023/34, 74-76.
  • 2023: Review of: Marinella Ceravolo, L’historiola nella Mesopotamia antica, Bulzoni (2022), ASDIWAL – Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions 18, 188-190.

Book chapters

  • 2024: Beatrice Baragli: "When ‘Reason’ is Gone: Reflections on the Usage of the Akkadian Term ṭēmu”, in Elisabetta Cianfanelli, Fiammetta Gori (eds.), níĝ-ba dub-sar maḫ. Studies on Ebla and the Ancient Near East presented to Amalia Catagnoti, Documenta Asiana 14, 53-59 (Rome: Quasar).
  • 2023: Beatrice Baragli, “Representing Time in the Kiutu Incantation-prayers”, in Sophus Helle, Gina Konstantopoulos (eds.), The Shape of Stories: Narrative Structures in Cuneiform Literature, Cuneiform Monographs 54, 185-207 (Leiden/Boston: Brill).
  • 2021: Beatrice Baragli, “What Can Eliade Still Say to Assyriology?: The Reception of a Historian of Religions in Ancient Near Eastern Studies”, in: Beatrice Baragli, Albert Dietz, Zsombor J. Földi, Patrizia Heindl, Polly Lohmann and Sarah P. Schlüter (eds.), Distant Worlds and Beyond. Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021), Distant Worlds Journal Special Issues 3 (Heidelberg: Propylaeum), 15-23.
  • 2021: Beatrice Baragli, Albert Dietz, Zsombor J. Földi, Patrizia Heindl, Polly Lohmann and Sarah P. Schlüter: “Preface”, in: Beatrice Baragli, Albert Dietz, Zsombor J. Földi, Patrizia Heindl, Polly Lohmann and Sarah P. Schlüter (eds.), Distant Worlds and Beyond. Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021), Distant Worlds Journal Special Issues 3 (Heidelberg: Propylaeum), 1-4.
  • Accepted: Beatrice Baragli, “Computational Literary Analysis on the Sumerian Sun God”, Festschrift NN.