Lehrstuhl für Indologie

Audio 2

Kabita 2: ē dā bala maga dūji kemmairā - Hey! Come on, son, charming bull

ē dā bala magā dūji kemmairā

ē dā bala magā dūji kemmairā

oltuḍu puttyēnāye dūji kemmaire

gaṭṭada mittụḍụ puṭṭyēnāyē dūji kemmairē

ōlu puṭyambε dūji kemmairā

kalla pañjaroḍu puṭṭyēnāye dūji kemmairē

nālụ kārụ salāmumbe dūji kemmairā

muṇḍoḍoñji bulayenambε dūji kemmairagụ

bīloḍoñji koḍyenāmbe dūji kemmairā

bañjinaḍi maṅgalenā dūji kemmairā

nālụ kārụ maṅgalenā dūji kemmairā

marayīda maḍḍi tindēnā dūji kemmaire

kallaḍita nīrụ paroṇḍe dūji kemmaire

būru panti tindoṇḍenāyē dūji kemmairē

mullaḍita muguru pantiyē tindoṇḍenāye dūji kemmairē

gaṭṭā nāna jappoḍundē dūji kemmairē

baḍavere kōlu bēlyē ippumbemmā dūji kemmairā

ajjogoñji mukru dīḍve dūji kemmairē

guṭrū … guṭrū … guṭrū ….

gaṭṭā nānā jattenā mage dūji kemmaire

baḍavere keyi bayi ippumbε magā dūji kemmarā

ajjogoñji mukru dīte dūji kemmairē

puṇiye pōla puṇiye balā dūji kemmairā

marayida maḍḍi tinoṇḍe dūji kemmairē

kallaḍita nīrụ paroṇḍe dūji kemmairē

ajjogoñji mukru dīye dūji kemmairē

guṭrū … guṭrū … guṭrū ….
Hey, come on, son, Charming Bull

Hey, come on, son, Charming Bull

Where he was born, Charming Bull

On the top of the mountain, he was born, Charming Bull

Where you have born, hello, Charming Bull

In the stone cave, he was born, Charming Bull

Salutation with four legs, Charming Bull

A white spot on the forehead, Charming Bull

White stripe on the tail, Charming Bull

White patch beneath the belly, Charming Bull

White dots in four legs, Charming Bull

Cattle-food from the vessel, he ate, Charming Bull

Water beneath the rock, he drank, Charming Bull

Creeper grass, he ate, Charming Bull

Grass-buds under thorns, he ate, Charming Bull

I should descend the mountain, he said, Charming Bull

Be near stick-fence of the poor, hey, Charming Bull

For every step, he snorts, Charming Bull

Gutru … Gutru … Gutru … (sound of snorting)

Mountain now he descended, dear Charming Bull

Crops of poor may be there, dear Charming Bull

For every step, he groaned, the Charming Bull

Go on the bund, come on the bund, Charming Bull

Cattle-food in vessel, he ate, Charming Bull

Water beneath the rock, he drank, Charming Bull

For every step, he snorted, Charming Bull

Gutru … Gutru … Gutru … (sound of snorting)