Lehrstuhl für Indologie

Film clip 1

Ēṭanāṭu Sarōjini Naṅṅyār

1996: annual ritual performance of Naṅṅẏār-Kūttu in the kūttampalam of Tirumaṇḍāṅkunnu Bhagavati Kṣētram / Aṅṅātipuṟam (3 days, daily about 8-8:30 am), see pictures Moser 2c, 2f and 6d
Clipping of day 2, 27.03.2006: end of samkṣēpam, acting and recitation of verse 1

Cēṭi: Ēṭanāṭu Sarōjini Naṅṅyār
Miḻāvu (drum): Nārāyaṇa Nampyār (Sārojini Naṅṅyār’s son)
Tāḷam (cymbals): Kōmāḷam Naṅṅyār

Sarōjini Naṅṅyār recites herself, because Kōmāḷam Naṅṅyār never learned to do so; in a ritual performance a Naṅṅyār by birth has to play the cymbals.

[original: Moser Hi8 25.2]