Dr. Shuan Karim

Guest researcher
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84
97074 Würzburg
Personal page
Research interests
Historical/diachronic linguistics, morphology and language documentation, with a spatial focus on Iranian languages.
Short biography
After studying linguistics at the Universities of Texas (B.A.) and Ohio (M.A.), Shuan Karim received his doctorate in Linguistics from Ohio State University in 2021 with a thesis on The synchrony and diachrony of New Iranian nominal morphosyntax. As of December 2024, he is an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU).
Current research project
A historical grammar of Gorani
in press | Joseph, Brian, Shuan Osman Karim, and Clint Awai-Jennings. Linguistics in the High School the Columbus Experience. Journal of Language Pedagogy. |
in press | Karim, Shuan Osman. Absolute Prepositions. In The Oxford Handbook of Kurdish Linguistics, Jaffer Sheyholislami, Geoffrey Haig, Haydar Khezri, Saleh Akin, and Ergin Öpengin (Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
in press | Karim, Shuan Osman. Can insignifcant evidence yield a signifcant result? sub-grouping Southern Kurdish based on imperfective allomorphs. In Songül Gündogdu and Agnes Grond (eds.), Current issues in Kurdish linguistics II. |
2024 | Karim, Shuan Osman and Saloumeh Gholami. Introduction. In Shuan Osman Karim and Saloumeh Gholami (eds.), Gorani in its Historical and Linguistic Context. Berlin: De Gruyter. |
2024 | Karim, Shuan Osman. Pattern Borrowing in The Southern Kurdish Zone. In Shuan Osman Karim and Saloumeh Gholami (eds.), Gorani in its Historical and Linguistic Context. Berlin: De Gruyter. |
2024 | Karim, Shuan Osman and Saloumeh Gholami (eds.). Gorani in its Historical and Linguistic Context. Berlin: De Gruyter. |
2023 | Karim, Shuan Osman. The heuristic of Economy and Proto-Iranian stop clusters. Chatreššar. 2/2021 |
2023 | Karim, Shuan Osman. Ezafe and the Article. In Advances in IranianLinguistics II, Karimi, Simin, Narges Nematollahi, Roya Kabiri and Jian Gang Ngui (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. |
2022 | Karim, Shuan Osman and Ali Salehi. An applicative analysis of Soranî “absolute prepositions”. In Neglected syntactic functions and non-syntactic functions of Applicative Morphology, eds.Sara Pacchiarotti and Fernando Zúñiga. Berlin: De Gruyter |
2022 | Karim, Shuan Osman. Akkadian [e]. JAOS 142.1. 177-191 |
2021 | Karim, Shuan Osman. The synchrony and diachrony of New Western Iranian nominal morphosyntax. The Ohio State University dissertation. |
2019 | Elsner, Micha and Andrea D Sims, et al. Modeling morphological learning, typology, and change: What can the neural sequence-to-sequence framework contribute? Journal of Language Modelling 7.1, 126-170. |