Deutsch Intern
Chair of Comparative Philology

Dr. Pascal Coenen

Project staff
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84
D-97074 Würzburg

Research interests

Indo-Iranian languages, particles, differential argument marking, language change

Short biography

Pascal Coenen studied Linguistics at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (B.A) and at the University of Cologne (M.A.). In 2021, he completed his PhD program at the University of Cologne. The title of his thesis is “The Functions of Vedic cid, íd, īm, ī and sīm”. As a PhD candidate, Pascal worked in the project “Differential Subject Marking in Old Indo-Iranian”. Afterwards, he continued working at the University of Cologne, first in the project “Conversational Priming in Language Change” and then as a research assistant at the Department of Linguistics.




Coenen, Pascal. 2025 [2023]. Rigvedic báḍ: A presentative particle. Historische Sprachforschung, 136, 21-50.

Coenen, Pascal 2024. Non-canonical quantification in Old Persian: the adverb vasai̯. Folia Linguistica, 2024.

Coenen, Pascal. 2024. The Functions of Vedic cid, íd, īm, ī and sīm. PhD thesis. Universität zu Köln.

Coenen, Pascal. 2023. A New Interpretation of the Vedic Particle aṅgá. Bhasha. Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology and Grammatical Traditions 2.1, 143–220.

Coenen, Pascal. 2020-2021 [2022]. The functions of the Old Persian particle =ci. Die Sprache 54, 13–94.

Coenen, Pascal & Michael Frotscher. 2020. The nominative/vocative plural of Vedic masculine a-stems in complex nominal expressions. Indogermanische Forschungen 125, 165–215.