Dr. des. Natalie Korobzow

Former project staff
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84
97074 Würzburg
Research interests
Morphosyntactic change
Indo-European, Semitic and Mayan languages
Ancient American Studies and the Mesoamerican Area
Dissertation topic
“Ergativity and split ergativity in Mayan languages: A contribution to a diachronic typology of alignment” (Universität zu Köln)
Collaboration in research projects
Current position
Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution, Max Planck Institute
Fries, Simon & Natalie Korobzow. 2024. On the dating of sound changes and its implications for language relationship. The case of Proto-Yeniseian *p- > Ket h-, Yugh f-. Diachronica: Online-First Articles. https://doi.org/10.1075/dia.23030.fri
Halfmann, Jakob, Svenja Bonmann, Simon Fries & Natalie Korobzow. 2023. A New Reading of the Bactrian Part of the Dašt-i Nāwur Trilingual (DN I). Indo-Iranian Journal 67(1): 5-51. DOI: 10.1163/15728536-06701005.
Bonmann, Svenja, Jakob Halfmann, Natalie Korobzow und Bobomulloev Bobomullo. 2023. "A Partial Decipherment of the Unknown Kushan Script". Transactions of the Philological Society 00 (2023): 1–37. DOI: 10.1111/1467-968X.12269.
Bonmann, Svenja, Simon Fries, Natalie Korobzow, Laura Günther und Eugen Hill. 2023. "Towards a New Reconstruction of the Proto-Yeniseian Sound System. Part I: Word-Initial Consonants." International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics.