Deutsch Intern
Chair of Comparative Philology


14.01.2025 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on "Mugs and shifters: words of deceit through the ages"

As part of the General Linguistics Colloquium at the University of Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a lecture on ‘Mugs and shifters: words of deceit through the ages’.

Event page

10.01.2025 – Rok Kuntner on the edited version B of the Armenian Alexander Romance

On 10.01.25 at 11 am, Rok Kuntner will give a lecture on ‘Literary Rewriting in Medieval Armenia: The Case of the Alexander Romance’ at the Conférence générale of the Association internationale des études armeniennes in Lausanne.

Event page

07.01.2025 – Dr. Pascal Coenen on Rgvedic Particles

On 7 January 2025, Dr. Pascal Coenen will give a lecture on ‘How modern languages can help us understand the Vedas: The case of particles’ at the Institute of Indology at the University of Tübingen.

04–06.12.2024 – Lilit Kharatyan und Petr Kocharov "The Classical Armenian Valency Lexicon"

At the 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology taking place in Singapore from December 4 to 6, Lilit Kharatyan and Dr. Petr Kocharov will speak about their project “The Classical Armenian Valency Lexicon.”

Event page

04.12.2024 — Petr Kocharov on "Grammaticalization of local adverbs in Classical Armenian"

On 04.12. at 9 am Dr. Petr Kocharov will give a lecture on “Grammaticalization of local adverbs in Classical Armenian.” at the conference “LACIM2024 Second International Conference - Languages of Anatolia, the Caucasus, Iran and Mesopotamia network” in Paris.

Event page

22.11.2024 — Thiago M. Venturott on "The ápa-√yaj-construction in the Ṛgveda"

On 22 November at 12, Thiago Mendes Venturott will give a talk about ‘The ápa-√yaj-construction in the Ṛgveda’ as part of the Cologne Indo-European Research Colloquium.


20.11.2024 – Dr. Mark Darling on "British Latin as a window on early Brittonic Celtic"

On 20.11.2024 at 16.30 in room 1.11, in the Classics Faculty building at the University of Cambridge, Dr. Mark Darling will give a lecture on ‘British Latin as a window on early Brittonic Celtic.’


01.10.2024 — Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on conceptual metaphors konzeptuellen Metaphern

At the workshop “Winged Words: Comparative and Historical Approaches to Conceptual Metaphors” at Leiden University, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a keynote lecture on “Contingent Metaphor Theory? The Interplay of Universality and Historicity in the Development and Explanation of Conceptual Metaphors”.


26.09.2024 — Ulrich Geupel on the limits of affixation in Ancient Greek

On the conference New Ways of Analyzing Ancient Greek 2 (NWAAG2), Ulrich Geupel will give a talk about "λιπαρότης, νεοτήσιος and the limits of affixation in Ancient Greek".


09.—12.09.2024 – Würzburg Chair at the 17th Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies in Basel

The Würzburg Chair will be well represented at the 17th conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies from 9 to 12 September:
Dr. des. Jakob HalfmannProf. Dr. Daniel Kölligan, Dr. Petr Kocharov, Jan-Niklas Linnemeier & Dr. des. Natalie Korobzow and Gudrun Samberger
will each give their own talk.


02.–07.09.2024 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan at the 6th International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics in Pavia

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will be teaching Mycenaean at the 6th International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics in Pavia from 2 to 7 September.


30.08.2024 – Lilit Kharatyan on the CLIN 34 in Leiden

On the occasion of the 34th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 34) on 30 August 2024
Lilit Kharatyan  will present a poster on "Speech-to-Text Translation: Cascaded or End-to-end? Multidimensional Comparative Evaluation".


19.07.2024 – 8th Postclassical Greek Network Meeting

On July 19, at 4 pm, the 8th PGN meeting will take place online, organized by Dr. Giuseppina di Bartolo and Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan. Further details can be found on the event pages.

Event page (Uni Würzburg)
Event page (Uni Köln)

27.06.2024 – Lilit Kharatyan and Dr. Petr Kocharov on "NLP Pipelines for Classical Armenian"

On 27 June 2024 at 15:30, Lilit Kharatyan und Dr. Petr Kocharov will give a lecture on "NLP Pipelines for Classical Armenian" as part of the workshop Data-driven Approaches to Ancient Languages of VAIA, the AI Academy Flanders.


18.06.2024 - Dr. Alexander Nikolaev on “Greek χελώνη and Laryngeal Breaking in Greek”

On 18.06.2024 at 16.15 Dr. Alexander Nikolaev will speak about “Greek χελώνη and Laryngeal Breaking in Greek” at the Indo-European Research Colloquium of the Chair of Comparative Linguistics at the University of Würzburg.

17.06.2024 - Würzburg doctoral students at the 8th Indo-European Research Colloquium

Würzburg doctoral students Gudrun Samberger and Thiago M. Venturott  will each give a lecture at the 8th Indo-European Research Colloquium of the Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, which will take place on June 17 and 18 at the University of Marburg.

13.06.2024 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on "l'armeno classico fra eredità e contatti linguistici"

On 13.06.2024 at 9 am, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a lecture on the topic "'L'armeno classico fra eredità e contatti linguistici" as part of the Seminario internazionale di sociolinguistica storica e dialettologia of the University of Siena.


11.06.2024 - The Ruchti Prize goes to linguist Jakob Halfmann

This year's Wilhelm H. Ruchti Prize for outstanding young researchers at the University of Würzburg goes to Dr. des. Jakob Halfmann. The linguist is an expert in Indo-Iranian languages and has gained fundamental new insights into the rare Katë language in an outstanding dissertation, completed in 2023 at the University of Cologne. This language is spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where there are only around 90,000 speakers in total. We congratulate him warmly!


10.06.2024 – Lilit Kharatyan at the Summer School UMRs in Boulder

From 10 to 14 June 2024, Lilit Kharatyan will be a full scholarship recipient at the programming-oriented Summer School UMRs in Boulder, held in conjunction with the UMR Parsing Workshop and organised by the Uniform Meaning Representation Project. Our warmest congratulations go to her!

03.06.2024 – Thiago M. Venturott on "ἀπορχέομαι und Verwandtem"

On 3 June 2024 at 4 pm, Thiago Mendes Venturott will give a lecture on the topic "'Why should I dance?' — on ἀπορχέομαι and related" as part of the Indo-European Research Colloquium at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

15.05.2024 – Universal Dependencies with the Armenian Gospels

The 20th release of annotated treebanks in Universal Dependencies, v2.14. As part of the ongoing project CAVAL: Classical Armenian Valency Lexicon, Dr. Petr Kocharov und Lilit Kharatyan have provided the annotated text corpus of the Armenian Gospels.

Universal Dependencies

15.05.2024 – Dr. Petr Kocharov on "Ditransitive Alignment in Classical Armenian"

On the occasion of the PaVeDa workshop on 15.04.2024 at the University of Pavia, Dr. Petr Kocharov will give a lecture on “Ditransitive Alignment in Classical Armenian” at 12:10 pm.

10.05.2024 – Rok Kuntner on the textual transmission of the Alexander romance

On the occasion of the doctoral symposium of the Ancient, Byzantine, and Medieval Studies Cluster of the University of Vienna on May 10, 2024 from 5 to 7 pm, Würzburg doctoral candidate Rok Kuntner will provide insights into the textual tradition of the Alexander Romance.

Event page

09.04.2023 – Thiago M. Venturott on Philology and Wilamowitz

On the occasion of the publication in Brazil of his annotated translation of Wilamowitz's History of Philology (1921), with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan, Thiago M. Venturott will give an interview on Philology and Wilamowitz on 9 April 2024 at 9 pm (in Portuguese).

Link to the interview (YouTube)

05.04.2024 – 7th Postclassical Greek Network Meeting

On 5 April 2024 at 4 pm, the 7th PGN meeting will take place online, organized by Dr. Giuseppina di Bartolo and Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan. Further details can be found on the event pages.

Event page (Uni Würzburg)
Event page (Uni Köln)

21.03.2024 — Svenja Bonmann, Jakob Halfmann und Natalie Korobzow on Multilingualism in Central Asia and Afghanistan‘s "Rosetta Stone"

On March 21, 2024 at 11:30 a.m., Svenja Bonmann and Würzburg collaborators Jakob Halfmann und Natalie Korobzow will give a talk on "Multilingualism in Central Asia: What 'Afghanistan's Rosetta Stone' can tell us about peoples and cultures in the Kushan empire" at the Hellenistic Central Asia Research Network (HCARN) 2024 on the topic "Whose custom is it anyway? Empire, cities and people through archaeology, art and written sources in Hellenistic Central Asia" (from 21 to 23 March 2024 in Paris).

Event page

17.01.2024 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on 'Greek magical texts and their contribution to the lexicography of Atticism'

On the occasion of the Workshop on 'Αττικoí and Ἕλληνες: Atticism and Koine between linguistic practice and grammatical theory, the 3rd within the ERC project Purism in Antiquity: Theories of Language in Greek Atticist Lexica' and their Legacy, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a lecture on 'Greek magical texts and their contribution to the lexicography of Atticism' on 17 January 2024 at 3.45 pm.


15.12.2023 – Thiago Mendes Venturott on the Uṣas book

To mark the publication of their annotated translation of the Uṣas hymns, Prof Dr José Marcos Macedo, Caio Geraldes and Thiago M. Venturott will take part as authors in the book launch, which will take place on 15 December 2023 at 7 pm (local time) at the Drummond Livraria (São Paulo, Brazil).

Publisher's page

14.12.2023 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on the work of W. Belardi

As part of the international conference "Lingua e storia. Walter Belardi a cento anni dalla nascita" (14-15.12.2023 in the Aula Odeion of the Sapienza University in Rome), Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a lecture on the work of W. Belardi on the 14th at 3 pm.


07.12.2023 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on "εἰμί and its competitors"

As part of the colloquium "What difference does 'being' make?" at the University of Vienna, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a lecture on "εἰμί and its competitors" on 7 December 2023 at 11.30 am.

Event page

15.11.2023 – Lilit Kharatyan receives the Adam Kilgarriff Prize

The Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Tecnologías Lingüísticas Multilingües of the University of Malaga awards Lilit Kharatyan the Adam Kilgarriff prize for the best Master's thesis. We congratulate her warmly!

Press release of the University of Malaga

27.11.2023 - Gudrun Samberger at the HU Research Colloquium

The PhD student Gudrun Samberger from Würzburg will give a lecture on "Nominale Wortbildung im Altisländischen: eine Fallstudie" (Nominal word formation in Old Icelandic: a case study) at the Indo-European Colloquium of the Humboldt University of Berlin on 27/11/2023.


06.11.2023 – Thiago M. Venturott on the PIE imperative

As part of the colloquium of the São Paulo Study Group for ancient IE Languages (GELIEA), Thiago M. Venturott will give a lecture on the PIE imperative on 06.11.2023 at 6 pm.

Link to the lecture (in Portuguese)

03.11.2023 – Thiago M. Venturott on Philology and Wilamowitz

On the occasion of the publication in Brazil of his annotated translation of Wilamowitz's History of Philology (1921), with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan, Thiago M. Venturott gives an interview on Philology and Wilamowitz (in Portuguese).

Link to the interview (YouTube)

02.11.2023 – Prof. Kölligan gives the 2023 Corbett Lecture at the Faculty of Classics (University of Cambridge)

On Thursday, November 2 at 5 p.m. in Room G.19 of the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge, a lecture on "Nil novi? Remarks on the concepts 'new', 'young' and 'old' in antiquity."


31.10.2023 – Jakob Halfmanns new project on Nuristani languages

Jakob Halfmann is new to the Chair of Comparative Linguistics. In a new project, he is researching the roots of a millennia-old language family for which written sources have only existed for a good 100 years.


12–14.10.2023 — Conference “Synchronic and diachronic issues of Postclassical Greek”, co-organised by Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan co-organises the conference “Synchronic and diachronic issues of Postclassical Greek” (TCGLL1 — Trends in Classics — Greek & Latin Linguistics 1), which will take place from 12. to 14.10.2023 at the University of Thessaloniki.

Conference page (VGSP Würzburg)
Conference page (Universität Thessaloniki)

06.10.2023 — Svenja Bonmann, Jakob Halfmann und Natalie Korobzow on the decipherment of the Dašt-I Nāwur Trilingual

On October 06, 2023, Svenja Bonmann, Jakob Halfmann, and Würzburg staff member Natalie Korobzow will give a talk on "A First Look at a New Language of the Kushan Empire - The Decipherment of the Dašt-I Nāwur Trilingual" at the 37th South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, October 4-6, 2023).


21.09.2023 – New Indo-European language discovered!

An excavation in Turkey has brought to light an unknown Indo-European language. Professor Daniel Schwemer, an expert for the ancient near east from Würzburg, is involved in investigating the discovery.

Frankfurter Allgemeine
News Week

12-14.09.2023 – Würzburg Chair at the Cologne Working Conference of the Indo-Germanic Society

The Würzburg Chair is well represented at the next working conference of the Indo-Germanic Society from 12.09 to 14.09 at the University of Cologne: Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on "The development of the Middle Armenian present tense marker kow", Jan-Niklas Linnemeier on " PIE analogies that just don't work" and Natalie Korobzow on "The significance of open data in Historical-Comparative Linguistics."

Conference page

04.09.2023 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan at the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics

At the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics at the University of Heidelberg (from 04 to 08.09.2023), Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölliganhosts a workshop on "Conceptual metaphors in a comparative and diachronic perspective" together with Dr. Lucien van Beek.

Conference page

01.09.2023 — Würzburg PhD student at Conference for Scandinavian Studies

On 01.09.2023 the Würzburg PhD student Gudrun Samberger will give a lecture at the 18th Interregional Conference for PhD students in Scandinavian Studies (from 01 to 02 Sept. 2023).

Conference page

30-31.08.2023 - Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan at the 56th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

At the 56th annual meeting of the SLE, Prof. Dr Daniel Kölligan will speak on "Translation as diagnostics" on 30.08.2023 and on 31.08.2023 together with Prof. Dr Martin Kümmel and Prof. Dr Paul Widmer on "Hypoanalysis as a distinct type of language change (and certain futures as paradigm cases)."

Conference page

25.08.2023 — Cologne research group presents on its decipherment of the 'unknown Kushana script'

On 25.08.2023, Svenja Bonmann, Jakob Halfmann and Würzburg staff member Natalie Korobzow will give a lecture on "A partial decipherment of the 'unknown Kushan script'" at the 10th European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS).

Conference page
Preliminary programme

17.07.2023 - Cologne research group deciphers the 'unknown Kushana script'

Svenja Bonmann, Jakob Halfmann and Natalie Korobzow from Würzburg have succeeded in deciphering the so-called 'unknown Kushana script', which has puzzled researchers for over seventy years.

Press release of the University of Cologne
Press release of the University of Würzburg (einBLICK)
Interviews on YouTube
Article in the ZEIT
Article in
Article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung

17.–26.07.2023 — Prof. Dr. Éric Dieu teaches at summer school

From 17 to 26 July 2023, Prof. Dr. Éric Dieu Hettisch will be teaching at the summer school "Académie des langues anciennes" - Campus de Pau, France.

Summer school "Académie des langues anciennes" — Université de Pau

28.06.2023 – DFG approves research group MagEIA

The German Research Foundation (DFG) funds the collegiate research group "MagEIA: Magic between Interweaving, Interaction and Analogy - Center for the Study of Traditions of Magical Texts of Western Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean in Antiquity", in which Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan is involved.

Press release of the DFG
Press release of the University

23.06.2023 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on "Dominicans and Unitors in Medieval Armenia"

At the  digitaler Augustinus-Studientag 2023 zu "Augustinus und dem Osten" at 3.15 pm, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan will give a talk about "Dominicans and Unitors in Medieval Armenia."

21.06.2023 – Würzburger PhD student at the 22nd International Colloquium for Latin Linguistics

At the 22nd International Colloquium for Latin Linguistics (ICLL 2023), Thiago Venturott will give a talk about "XII-Tab. 8,8a fruges excantāre 'sing crops away' and other unselected resultatives in Latin."

02.06.2023 - Würzburg doctoral student on translation technique in the Armenian Alexander Romance

At the conference Translating Byzantium and Byzantium Translating at the University of Vienna, Rok Kuntner will give a talk about "Translation Technique in the Armenian Version of the Alexander Romance."

18.05.2023 – Würzburg Chair of Comparative Philology at the PaVeDa Workshop

At the Pa(via)Ve(rbs)Da(tabase) Workshop the Würzburg Chair of Comparative Philology is well represented: Dr. Petr Kocharov on Classical Armenian, Dr. Giuseppina di Bartolo (Köln), Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan, Ulrich Geupel and Thiago Venturott on Postclassical Greek.

13.05.2023 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan at the Round-Table "Past, Present, and Future of Historical Linguistics"

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan takes part as President of the Society for Indo-European Studies at the Round-Table "Past, Present, and Future of Historical Linguistics", University of Oxford. Humanities Forward.

11.–12.05.2023 – Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on Syro-Armenian language contact

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan gives a talk on "Notes on Syro-Armenian language contact" at the conference Languages and Cultures in Contact in the Ancient Mediterranean, University of Verona, 11–12 May 2023.

26.–28.04.2023 – Würzbuger PhD students at the 7th Indo-European Research Colloquium

Würzbuger PhD students Jan-Niklas Linnemeier, Gudrun Samberger und Thiago Venturott give each a talk at the 7th Indo-European Research Colloquium, University of Milan, 26–28 April 2023.

14.03.2023 — Prix Alfred Croiset goes to Prof. Dr. Éric Dieu

The Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (Institut de France, Paris, France) awards Prof. Dr. Éric Dieu the Prix Alfred Croiset — an annual prize "awarded to a work or series of works devoted to the study of ancient Greek language and literature" (« décerné à un ouvrage ou à un ensemble d'ouvrages relatifs à l'étude de la langue et de la littérature grecques anciennes ») — for his work Traité d'accentuation grecque, published in 2022 in the series Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft. The award ceremony will take place on 24th November 2023. The work was written within Prof. Dieu's Humboldt Fellowship at the JMU Würzburg. More information on his research can be found here.


16.12.2022 — DFG approves further research project at the Chair of Comparative Philology

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will fund a project by Dr Petr Kocharov at the Chair of Comparative Philology entitled "Classical Armenian Valency Lexicon (CAVAL)" from next year. It will create a corpus-based valency lexicon of Old Armenian verbs and make it digitally available. Further details can be found here.


29.06.2022 — Research

The results of Dr Jeong-Soo Kim's research project Atharvavedasaṃhitā der Śaunakaśākhā : Eine neue Edition unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Parallelstellen der Paippalādasaṃhitā (2022), which were previously only available on the chair's homepage, have now been published on the server of the UB würzburg and thus made permanently accessible.

09.05.2022 — Teaching

The lecture given by Prof. Dr. Daniel Kölligan on 12 April 2022 at the Federal Congress of the Association of Classical Philologists is now available on Youtube:  Iuppiter, Zeus und unregelmäßige Verben.

27.04.2022 — Research

Some presentations from the workshop The Lexicon-Grammar Interface in the Synchrony and Diachrony of Armenian, held on 04-05 April 2022, are now available online.

03.03.2022 — Research

Heinrich Hettrich's Materialien zu einer Kasussyntax des R̥gveda (2007), which were previously only available on the chair's homepage, have now been published on the server of the Würzburg University Library and thus made permanently accessible.