Deutsch Intern
Philosophische Fakultät

Tagungen und Konferenzen

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Common Grounds: Towards a Medieval Comparative Literature

Januar 15-17, 2024 | Burkardushaus, 97070 Würzburg

The literature of Medieval Europe transcends linguistic and cultural boundaries. Originating from southern France, court poets sang the praises of the new ideal of love, fin’amor, throughout Europe. Preachers like Bernardino Ochino worked in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, England, Poland and Moravia. Latin enabled a substratum of knowledge and discourse that transcended territorial borders. However, we still lack the necessary theoretical and methodological foundation to enable this comparative approach.

The international conference "Common Grounds" brings together medievalists from almost all medieval philologies in Europe and beyond in order to lay these foundations together. The goal is not only to facilitate a broad discussion of our categorical frameworks and methodological approaches – be they shared or different –, but also to reflect upon what necessary expertise needs to be included in such a foundation.


To participate on site on 16 and/or 17 Jan 2025, please register with Felix Pöppel:

Keynote: Medieval Comparative Literature and Multilingual Reading (Ardis Butterfield, Yale University)

The keynote will take place in person and online. No registration needed.

Online participation via Zoom:

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