Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

'Chinese Politics and Society' Testimonials

Below you may watch two testimonials by former and current students of the Chinese Politics and Socitey M.A. programme. Mia, Nina and Cem talk about the study programme, their life in Würzburg and perspectives after graduation.

Mia Hallmanns, CPS graduate (2021)

Mia Hallmanns

  • graduated from the Chinese Politics and Society Programme in 2021
  • works as a research assistant at the sinology institute and is preparing her dissertation

Nina Kreiling and Cem Sünkel, CPS students (2021)

Cem Sünkel & Nina Kreiling

  • are students of the Chinese Politics and Society Programme
  • In the beginning they struggled with leardning the language, but today they can even manage a part time job besides their studies!