Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

FAQ 'China Language and Economy'

Master Program in China Language and Economy FAQ

Q: What are the requirements for this master program?
A: First, you need to have a BA (180 ECTS) in Economics, Business Administration (or an equivalent degree) with a grade of 2.5 or above. Your BA degree should document at least 25 ECTS earned in mathematics, statistics and business informatics as well as 50 ECTS in general economics and business administration with a minimum of 15 ECTS each. If you lack ECTS in economics, up to ten ECTS can be compensated by ECTS in mathematics or business informatics earned beyond the 25 ECTS required for these subjects. In addition, you should document 5 ECTS from classes on China’s economy or some equivalent.

Q: What if my BA grade does not meet the minimum requirement of 2.5?
A: If you do fulfil all other formal requirements (see above) but have a BA grade below 2.5, you will be invited for an interview. During the interview a small team will test whether your qualifications are sufficient for the program regardless the grade you achieved in the BA.

Q: Are there special regulations for Chinese native speakers?
A: If you are a Chinese native-speaker, you obviously do not have to learn Chinese as part of this study program. You also will not have to attend the modern Chinese language classes. However you are required to translate some modern Chinese texts on economic topics into English so that we can give you a grade for the class in modern Chinese. The text will be selected by the chair of China Business and Economics to suit your research interest. Ideally the texts will be of use for your master thesis preparation.

Q: Which documents do I need for the application?
A: You need your BA certificate (or transcript of records documenting your study progress until the time of application), a CV (German or English) and a Letter of Motivation (English). You do also need to proof your English proficiency (at least B2 level). This can be done by providing a TOEFL certificate (at least 72 points), an IELTS certificate (grade 6.0 or better), a Cambridge First Certificate in English, a German university entrance qualification (Abiturzeugnis, English classes finished with grade "Befriedigend" or better), a foreign university entrance qualification that is equivalent to the German Abitur, or other proof that you already have finished training (e.g. an undergraduate degree) which required English skills equal to or better than the requirements listed above.

Q: Do you need original documents or copies/scans?
A: Please do not send us your original documents. Rather copies (via regular mail) or scans (via email) are preferred. Scans in pdf-format are preferred.

Q: Can I send my application via email?
A: Yes, you can. Please direct your email to

Q: What does the application process look like?
A: First, send your application by March 15th at the latest. We will check the applications. If you fulfil all the formal requirements for admission and your BA degree grade is 2.5 or better, you will receive a letter of admission in May. If you fulfil all the formal requirements, but your BA degree is worse than 2.5 you will be invited for an interview in April. In case you are not in Germany, we can conduct the interview via Skype. After the interview we need about one week to notify you whether you have been accepted.

Q: When do I get the admission letter?
A: After being accepted, we will send out the letters of admission in May. If you are an EU citizen, you can directly use this to enroll at our university. Non-EU citizens have to first send verified copies of all their necessary documents to the International Office of the university by July 15. They will receive another formal admission letter from the International Office with which they can then enroll.

Q: Do I need specific knowledge in economics or business administration before I start the program?
A: Definitely yes! The program assumes that you have a good basis in economics and business administration from your bachelor studies. As part of the master program you are obliged to attend one seminar in economics or business administration. In the classes on China’s economy and business administration you will need your economic and business administration knowledge.

Q: Do I have to know Chinese, before I start the program?
A: No! The program does not expect that you have learned any Chinese before. Your language classes will start with an intensive learning course in September, which will be followed by classes throughout the first two terms in Würzburg. You will then advance your Chinese language proficiency during your term in Beijing.

Q: What if I already know some Chinese?

A: If you have learnt some Chinese before, we evaluate your level of Chinese language proficiency and decide whether you have to attend the initial intensive language course or not.

Q: Do I have to take Chinese language classes even though I learned Chinese during my BA studies?
A: Yes, depending on your level of Chinese language proficiency we assign you to a suitable language course that will help you to further develop your language skills and gain specific language competences regarding economic topics.

If your BA was in Chinese studies or an equivalent program and you want to study China’s economy, please refer to the master program “China Business and Economics”.

Q: Do students of this program have to spend some time in China?
A: Yes. The students for the MA China Language and Economy spend their third term at the prestigious Peking University where they are supported by our European Chinese Language and Culture Programme (ECLC).

Q: How does the semester at Peking University work?
A: The term in Beijing is fully integrated into our program. That means it is compulsory. But it also means that you will have a chance to study at one of the most prestigious universities in Asia with minimum hassle. We run our own program office at Peking University, so your stay will be well organized. For instance, we have a number of apartments around campus that our students will share while studying in Beijing.

Q: How expensive is the term in China?
A: Student fees for the term in China at Peking University are about Euro 1800 (2017 currency exchange rates). In addition, you have to calculate the costs of the flight (2017: about Euro 700) and the visa (2017: Euro 150). Residential and living costs are not assumed to differ from those that arise in Germany.

Q: Is it possible to get a scholarship or any other financial support for the study program?
A: Support lines differ depending on nationality and with regard to the semesters studied in Germany and China. Foreign students can apply for a DAAD scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service) for studying the master program China Language and Economy. Please note that the application has to be submitted to the DAAD about a year before you come to Germany. For details please refer to the respective website of the DAAD.

So far only students of German nationality are entitled to apply for a special DAAD scholarship for the semester spent in China. For more information please see this website. In addition, German students may be entitled to receive student loans (“Inlandsbafög”), for studying in Germany and/or for studying in China (“Auslandsbafög”).

Q: What are the topics covered in the courses on China Business and Economics?
A: The part of the curriculum dedicated to China's economy covers major economic developments and policies, business and finance, different aspects of China's international economic and business relations as well as specific topics such as China's national innovation system. In addition several courses are dedicated to research methodology and case studies.

Q: Why do I have to attend classes in Chinese Studies?
A: With the MA “China Language and Economy” you earn a master of arts (MA) with a specialization on China. This implies that you should gain an understanding of China which goes beyond pure economic issues. More specifically, you need knowledge about China's political system, geography, social development etc. in order to understand business and economics of China.

Q: What classes do I have to take in economics and business administration?
A: You are required to select one seminar on economics or business administration at master level. A list with the seminars and lectures eligible as electives is included in the specific study program regulation.

Q: What if I still have questions?
A: Write us an email ( but please make sure to have read the FAQs carefully before doing so.