Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

FSQ: Chinese for Economists

As part of the expansion and improvement of specialized language training in accordance with the resolution of the Bavarian Senate of the 11th of May 1995, the Chair of East Asian Cultural History has been offering the project ‘Chinese for Economists’ since April 1997. Special funds were made available for this project by the State. Starting in the winter semester 2007/2008, Chinese will be offered as part of Bachelor’s degree programmes in Economics.

The increasing internationalization and globalization of companies places new demands on the education of students. The importance of the Chinese cultural and economic area for Europe and Germany can hardly be overestimated. The study element 'Chinese for Economists' takes these requirements into account and thereby helps improve career opportunities for graduates.

The educational goals of the study element are primarily language training, but also increasing knowledge of the country and its history, as well as an introduction to Chinese mentality. The students receive a sound basic knowledge of the modern Chinese language with a focus on business and legal Chinese, so that they are able to read business and legal texts, as well as understand spoken news broadcasts. Students will become familiar with the terminology of economic life (trade, production, finance) and law.

The course 'Chinese for Economists' is conducted in the form of intensive courses during the lecture-free period and conventional language courses and content courses during the lecture period. The mixing intensity takes into account the demands placed on students by their major subject and thus enables them to attend language courses continuously during the semester. In total, the training programme comprises 25.5 semester hours per week over the course of two years, which corresponds to an average weekly load of approximately 6.5 hours. The concentration of the courses during the lecture-free period reduces the weekly load during the semester to an average of four hours. The training in the study element ‘Chinese for economists’ is demanding, but also opens up completely new opportunities for students in their later professional lives.

Students of economics and law that successfully complete the two-year course and pass the final examination receive a certificate. Students of economics can also recognize 'Chinese for Economists' as a compulsory elective.



For information on registration deadlines and the start of the next course, please check news/deadlines on our homepage. The registration form can be downloaded here: PDF, OpenDocument, Word

Study plan for the study element 'Chinese for Economists'

Language Modules (20 ECTS) Semester Hours per week ECTS
Chinese for
Economists I: Intensive Language Course
1 6 15
Chinese for
Economists I
1 3  
Chinese for
Economists II (1)
2 3  
Chinese for
Economists II (2)
3 3  
Chinese for
Economists III: Intensive Language Course
4 3 5
Chinese for
Economists III
4 3  
Content Module (5 ECTS) Semester Hours per week ECTS
Introduction to China and Its Society 1 or 3 2 2
China in the Global Economy 2 or 4 2,5 3