Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg


The Sinology department at the University of Würzburg supports students wishing to apply for a variety of scholarship programmes. Here, you will find an overview scholarship programmes that are suitable for students of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes on offer at the Sinology department.

Overview of the scholarship programmes

PROMOS – Programme to Increase the Mobolity of German Students

PROMOS is a study scholarship for semester stays of up to six months outside of the geographic area covered by Erasmus. The programme is financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and distributed by the University of Würzburg. The integrated stay abroad as part of the ECLC programme can, for instance, be funded via PROMOS. Applications for the ECLC programme are supervised in Würzburg. This channel of funding has been used by students at the Sinology department many times in recent years. The tuition fees are not covered, but a flat-rate travel and accommodation allowance is granted. Further information on PROMOS can be found here.

SIS Scholarships at the ECLC

The partner institute of the Sinology department at Peking University, the School of International Studies (SIS), offers scholarships to students participating in the ECLC programme every summer and winter semester. The scholarship is a one-time financial support. Further information is available on site in Beijing and during the preparatory event for the stay abroad in Würzburg.

Huayu Enrichment Scholarship

Students of the University of Würzburg can apply for a Huayu Enrichment Scholarship for one to two semesters of language training at a Taiwanese university. The scholarship includes a monthly stipend of 25.000 NTD (2021 exchange rate: 760 Euros). The application for a study visit starting in September should be initiated in December of the previous year. The application should be made directly at the Sinology deparment in Würzburg. For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Leibold.

Scholarships with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

For Chinese Studies programmes it is possible to apply for a DAAD scholarship for the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan. Please note that you should start preparing your application in the second semester already! Qualified students of economics also have the opportunity to apply for the DAAD’s ‘Sprache und Praxis’ programme. Application forms are available at the International Office of the University of Würzburg.

BayChina – Bavarian Higher Education Centre China

The Bavarian Higher Education Centre for China (BayChina) offers a variety of support programmes, including mobility grants for academic theses, study visits and internships, as well as scholarships from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Bavarian partner province in China: Shandong. All students at Bavarian universities can apply for these programmes. For more information, please visit the BayChina website.