Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Important Documents

On this site, you will find all the relevant study documents for your Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.


Registration Form for Intensive Chinese Language Course ('Modern China BA 180', 'Minor Modern China BA 60', 'Sinicum', 'Chinese for Economists') [PDF] [OpenDocument] [Word]
Registration Form Intensive Japanese Language Course [PDF] [OpenDocument] [Word]
Registration Form Korean [PDF] [OpenDocument] [Word]

Study plans

Bachelor 'Modern China B.A. 180': current study and examination rules ASPO 2019 and 2017 , former ASPO 2009
Minor 'Modern China B.A. 60': current study and examination rules ASPO 2019 and 2015
Minor 'East Asia B.A. 60': current study and examination rules ASPO, general study plan (specific study plans: focus China, Japan, Korea)
Master 'Chinese Studies': current study and examination rules ASPO 2017 [German, English], former ASPO 2012 [German, English]
Master 'Chinese Politics and Society': current study and examination rules ASPO 2019
Master 'China Business and Economics': current study and examination rules ASPO2021, former ASPO2016
Master 'China Language and Economy': current study and examination rules ASPO2021, former ASPO2016 [German, English]

Subject specific regulations and module handbooks

The respective subject-specific regulations (Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (FSB)) and module handbooks can be found on the webpages of the Examination Office (see links below).

Bachelor 'Modern China' (major/minor) [FSB] [Module handbooks]
Bachelor 'East Asia' (minor) [FSB] [Module handbooks]
Master 'Chinese Studies' [FSB] [Module handbooks]
Master 'Chinese Politics and Society' [FSB] [Module handbooks]
Master 'China Business and Economics' [FSB] [Module handbooks]
Master 'China Language and Economy' [FSB] [Module handbooks]

Stylesheets / Guidelines for academic papers and theses

Bachelor: Rules for the preparation of a written work
Master (CS, CPS, CBE and CLE): Stylesheet for term papers and master theses
Master (CBE, CLE): Guidelines for term papers, handouts and master theses