Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Interdisciplinary Study on East Asian Works of Art and Culture

An Interdisciplinary Study on East Asian Works of Art and Culture of Arts and Culture Concerning Visible and/or Invisible Entities (2019 – 2022)

This research project at the Japanese University of Excellence in Kyoto investigates the art and cultural history of East Asia. The project is led by Dr. Ataru Sotomura, who has been working at the University of Würzburg’s Chair of East Asian Cultural History (Sinology) since 1990.

The project brings together experts from archaeology, art, religion and East Asian (state) philosophy, i.e. Buddhism, Daoism, Shinto and Confucianism. Leading representatives from these subject areas will meet four times a year under Dr. Sotomura’s leadership for meetings lasting several days. Experts include professors from the universities of Kyoto, Tokyo and Kobe, as well as curators from the national museums of Kyoto and Nara. They are joined by selected foreign scientists.