Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

International Conference: The Present Image of Antiquity

Representatives from the fields of Egyptology, Ancient History, Ancient Oriental Studies, Archaeology, German Studies, Classical Philology, Art History, Oriental Studies, Romance Studies, Sinology and Pre- and Early History took part in this international conference. The question was examined as to whether there are comparable pan-cultural development between the forms and the functions of how antiquity is referenced in the cultural regions of Europe, the Levant and East Asia. The lectures addressed questions on active reception, transformations and their historical impact and above all cultural and governmental legitimacy up until the European Middle Ages.

The conference proceedings containing all the contributions to the conference, which took place from the 18th to the 20th of November 1999 in the Toscana Hall of the Würzburg Residenz, were published in December 2000.