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Sinology in Würzburg

Veröffentlichung: Isabelle Harbrecht, "Entering Society. The Adolescence, Identity and Development of Vocational Education Students in Shanghai"


Wir möchten Sie auf die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation "Entering Society. The Adolescence, Identity and Development of Vocational Education Students in Shanghai" von Isabelle Harbrecht aufmerksam machen, die am Lehrstuhl für Contemporary Chinese Studies entstanden ist.

Zum Inhalt: With the late twentieth-century reform of the labour market in China, jobs ceased to be guaranteed by the government, and higher education became more and more a requirement for even low-level positions. A surplus of academics and a lack of skilled workers are consequences of these developments - yet vocational education, a clear solution to this problem, has had a persistently negative reputation as a second-class education, suitable only for weak students whose results are too low for an academic middle school. Against this background, Entering Society analyses the social environments, personalities, values and perceptions of vocational education students over three years in Shanghai. The results show how adolescents stigmatized by society view themselves, their education, their identities and their futures.

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