Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Public lecture: Prof. Liu Kang (Duke University), "Social Sciences, Humanities and Liberal Arts: China and the West" (29.06.2022)


The Department of Sinology welcomes all students as well as everybody who is interested to the third public lecture of the summer semester 2022. The lecture will be held on June 29nd 18:00 in Hörsaal 2 (Philosophiegebäude) by Prof. Liu Kang (Duke University) on "Social Sciences, Humanities and Liberal Arts: China and the West".

Abstract: It traces the genealogy of modern European modes of knowledge under the rubrics of ‘liberal arts’, as the origin and basis for modern China’s institutions and modes of knowledge, and then examines China’s ‘liberal arts’ as institution and modes of knowledge from the early years of the twentieth century to the present. The paper’s objective is to question the relationship between (Eurocentric) universalism and Chinese exceptionalism within the dominant modern Western institutions and modes of knowledge today.
