Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Public double book presentation and discussion: Alessandro Rippa & Björn Alpermann, "China's Borderlands - Infrastructures and Domination" (20.07.)


The Department of Sinology welcomes all students as well as everybody who is interested to the last public lecture of the summer semester 2022. Dr. Alessandro Rippa (Freigeist Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich) and Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann will briefly present their recently publised monographies, followed by a panel discussion.

Presentation and discussion will take place on July 20th (18:00) in lecture hall 2.


Alpermann, Björn (2021), Xinjiang - China und die Uiguren. Würzburg: Würzburg University Press. (further information, ebook)
Rippa, Alessandro (2020), Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development, and Control in Western China. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (further information)
