Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Gastvortrag: Prof. Dr. Yu-Chih Lai, Hokusai in Shanghai


21.11.2012, 18 Uhr, Philosphiegebäude ÜR 17

Das GSiK-Teilprojekt Sinologie lädt Sie herzlich zum Gastvortrag "Hokusai in Shanghai: Art and trans-national popular culture in the late nineteenth century Shanghai" von Frau Prof. Dr. Yu-Chih Lai am 21.11.2012 um 18 Uhr im Übungsraum 17 ein.


Zum Inhalt des Gastvortrags:

If the phenomenon of “Hokusai in Paris” played a crucial and well-recognized role in the development of the French Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, then the term “Hokusai in Shanghai” is probably not only odd, but also appears dubious to most of the people. This talk, however, intends to use various materials ranging from art works to newspaper advertisements to show that there was indeed a significant phenomenon of “Hokusai in Shanghai” in the late nineteenth century, which gave inspirations to many important Shanghai artists, such as Ren Bonian. This phenomenon of “Hokusai in Shanghai, ” in stark contrast to the ever-celebrated “Hokusai in Paris,” was actually a silenced or erased history.

Prof. Yu-Chih LAI , Ph.D. (Ph.D. Yale University)
Assistant Research Fellow
Institute of Modern History
Academia Sinica
Taipei, Taiwan

Zur Zeit:
Heinz Goetze Visiting Professor for Chinese Art History
Institute of East Asian Art History
Center for East Asian Studies
Heidelberg University
