Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

Chinese Studies Public Lectures WS 2021/22


The Department of Sinology invites all students as well as everybody who is interested in below topics to join this winter term's public guest lectures. All guest lectures will be held face-to-face in the public lecture hall 2 (Hörsaal 2) of the Philosophiegebäude.


27.10.2021 18 st, Dr. Mao Jingyu (The University of Edinburgh / Bielefeld University), "Doing Ethnicity – the Multi-Layered Ethnic Scripts in Contemporary China"
03.11.2021 18 st, Prof. Dr. Wei Wei 韦韡 (Guangxi University for Nationalities), "中国后脱贫时代下数字经济发展与扶贫政策研究 (Research on digital economic development and poverty alleviation policy in the post-poverty era of China (lecture in Chinese))"
10.11.2021 18 st, Dr. David O‘Brien (RU Bochum), "Racial Nationalism: How China’s CCP justifies its ‘re-education’ campaign in Xinjiang"
15.12.2021 18 st, Dr. Erling Hagen Agøy (Oslo / IKGF Erlangen), "Climate, Omens and Prognostication in 17th Century China"
19.01.2022 18 st, Prof. Dr. Lyu Benxun 吕本勋 (Guangxi University for Nationalities), "旅游与地方经济的发展:新冠疫情带来的思考 (Tourism and Local Economic Development: Considerations Brought about by the Covid-19 Pandemic (lecture in Chinese))"
