Deutsch Intern
Sinology in Würzburg

And the Winners are...


This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Modern China Bachelor program, the 15th anniversary of the Chinese Studies (CS) Master program, the 10th anniversary of the China Business and Economics (CBE) and China Language and Economy (CLE) Master programs as well as the 10th anniversary of the Modern China Bachelor minor program. Many students participated in this year's summer party competition, in which they had to guess how many students have graduated from the Bachelor program (excluding minor students) and the master programs of Sinology since 2003. Below you will find the figures and who won the competiton:

As of August 4th 2022 391 students have graduated from the Modern China Bachelor program (major). From the Master programs overall 266 students have graduated, of which 133 graduated from the CBE program, 88 graduated from Chinese Studies, 42 were CLE students, and three graduated from the Chinese Politics and Society (CPS) Master program. Overall 657 students have graduated since 2003.

The following students came closest with their guesses:

  1. Kayihan Akcakoca (588)
  2. S. Zhang (750)
  3. Kai-Yi Lan (750)

These students shall contact the Sinology to redeem their prizes.
