Lecture: Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann, "The 19th CCP National Congress: New Faces, New Phrases, New Rules?" 11/02/2017 more
Video Interview with Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer on China's economic strategies and "Made in China 2025" 11/02/2017 more
WDR 5-Interview mit Prof. Doris Fischer zu den "Chinesisch-deutschen Beziehungen in Zeiten von Trump" 05/31/2017 more
Gastvortrag: Eva Lüdi Kong, "Die deutsche Übersetzung der Reise in den Westen (Xiyou ji)" 05/15/2017 more
Guest lecture: Prof. Pu Yongjian, "China's Economic Reform Strategies: Avoiding the Middle Income Trap" 05/08/2017 more
Guest lecture: Burcu Mentşoğlu Tuncer, "Turco-Sino Trade and Economic Relations: An Insider's Outlook" (03.05.2017) 04/28/2017 more
Rezension von Prof. Roland Altenburger im NZZ-Feuilleton zur Übersetzung von "Die Reise in den Westen" 04/18/2017 more