SoSe 2022: Erste ägyptische Studierende in Würzburg nach der Coronapause
Der fünfte Intake ist zu Gast
Nach einer langen Coronapause gab es nicht nur wieder die ersten Präsenzveranstaltungen, auch unser Austausch rollte wieder an. Wir waren uns im Winter bei den Vorbereitungen noch nicht sicher, ob wir im Frühling wirklich Gäste empfangen dürfen, doch am 01. April war es so weit und wir konnten Bahaaeldin, Heba, Nourhan und Omar am Bahnhof Willkommen heißen. Ein spannendes Sommersemester ist nun vorüber, worüber wir hier ein wenig berichten wollen:
Praktikum August 2022: Bahaaeldin bei Jangled Nerves in Stuttgart
My Name is Bahaaeldin Megahed, and I am a student of the Joint Master Museum Studies Helwan-Würzburg. I have been in Germany since April 1 at Wurzburg University for my master studies. On August 8, I moved to Stuttgart for three weeks to do an internship at jangled nerves.
My dream is to improve, design and create object-visitor communication in a combined real and virtual world for exhibitions and museums. I want to be able to bring to life what I can imagine and design on the computer. So I told Elisabeth
Greifenstein and Guido Fackler (Museology team Wuerzburg University) about my passion and my dream to do my internship with someone who brings together museology, architecture, communication and - most important for me - digitization.
I believe that visual resources can be preserved and saved from deterioration by digitization. Especially for the look and feel, digital content is a crucial part of the visitor experience.
jangled nerves is an interdisciplinary team specialized in experience design connecting the physical and the digital world. Big thank you to the jangled team and Wurzburg University for making this possible – I learned a lot in a short time and met some truly creative minds!
Praktikum August 2022: Heba und Nourhan in Karlsruhe und Mannheim
"We are currently on our two weeks internship in the TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim. During the internship we have been introduced to all of the various core departments in the museum such as the education department, collection department and exhibition department, to mention a few.
We were lucky to be part of a number of very special tours around the museum that were led by very inspiring museum professionals. We also had the opportunity to meet with the head of the exhibition department and discover interesting insights about temporary exhibitions, their logistics and requirements. Delving into the insides of the education department as well was very eye opening, we got the chance to understand the various education programs tailored for all the visitors and to help develop an interactive smartphone hunt for visitors.
The museum is very inspiring, and the collection is rich and massive, it was impressive for us to see the amount of work and logistics involved in order to create such unforgettable and successful experiences for the visitors." - Heba Barakat & Nourhan Abdelaziz

Bericht von Bahaaeldin über sein Austauschsemester in Würzburg
150 days & 1 day
My name is Bahaaeldin Megahed and I am a proud millennial. Born and raised in Egypt, where the sun shines brightly, I have been fortunate enough to be educated in a French Catholic school as well as get a degree from the university as a French tour guide. I was always passionate about learning new cultures and exploring far off lands, but it was only when I decided to take a leap of faith that my life truly changed. I left my home in Egypt for 151 days with my backpack, 2 luggage’s and an adventurous spirit. My journey has led me through the most incredible place on Earth - from the ancient temples of Egypt to the vibrant cities of Germany. Everywhere I went, I encountered museums with unique stories that inspired me to keep going forward on my path. In 2021, I decided to pursue my dream of working in the museum field while continuing my career in the IT domain. After planning, studying, and researching in Helwan University, I was proud to pass the assessment of the DAAD and been chosen to join the university of Wurzburg to get my double master’s degree in museum studies!
Our 1st days in Wurzburg: On April 1, 2022, I was so excited to share with you that I take my first steps towards an amazing journey. Flying from Cairo to Frankfurt and then taking a train to Wuerzburg, where everything has been prearranged with the help of my professors and colleagues. I'll even get the key to open the door!"
Honestly the door wasn’t only for the student house apartment, where students can live but it was a door for academic development, grow personally, studies, knowledge, friendships, and opportunities. I can say that it was my incredible journey. During my stay, I had the chance to study and work on projects hands-on. I also visited museums, had discussions with local experts, and even got an internship in Jangled Nerves with the support of Prof. Fackler and Frau Greifenstein where I could apply everything I have learned. The whole experience was incredibly rewarding and gave me invaluable insights into the culture, way of life, technology and scenography and museum developments. It was an incredible opportunity to gain professional skills and make connections that will help me in the future. I’m so grateful to have had this chance and wanted to share my story with you.