Principal Investigators
The MagEIA Centre is led by a team of three scholars from Egyptology (Martin Stadler), Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Daniel Schwemer), and Comparative Philology (Daniel Kölligan). As PIs, they are the contact persons for all academic questions concerning the MagEIA Centre. Daniel Schwemer acts as speaker of MagEIA.
Daniel Schwemer (PI, Speaker)

Daniel Schwemer is an expert in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, who takes a leading role in Assyriology and Hittitology. His research on Mesopotamian magical texts, including the three-volume Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals, has contributed significantly to our understanding of the written tradition and conceptual foundations of Mesopotamian magical and religious literature. He leads the Academy Programme project "Das Corpus der hethitischen Festrituale" and chairs the board of the Hethitologie-Portal Mainz, one of the leading platforms for digital editions of cuneiform texts.
Daniel Kölligan (PI)

Daniel Kölligan studied historical-comparative linguistics, philosophy, classical philology and Romance studies at the University of Cologne, where he completed his doctorate with a thesis on verbal supplementation in Greek. From 2005-2008 he was a Research Assistant at the University of Oxford and Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College. In 2015, he completed his habilitation in Cologne with a thesis on the historical grammar of Classical Armenian. Since October 2019, he has held the Chair of Comparative Linguistics at the Institute of Classical Studies at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Martin Stadler (PI)

Martin Stadler's research focuses on Egyptian religion and religious traditions, Demotic literature, the Soknopaios temple of Dimê (Soknopaiu Nesos), and its religious world. He conducts research on ancient Egyptian ritual texts in all their manifestations in hieroglyphic, Hieratic and especially in Demotic script. Since 2016, he has directed the Horus Behedety project and conducts annual epigraphic campaigns at the Temple of Horus at Edfu, the best preserved temple in Egypt.