Core Team Egyptology
Martin Stadler

In the first phase, Martin Stadler, one of the three Principal Investigators, is dealing with the two rituals sa-per "protection of the house" and meket-hau "protection of the body" in their inscriptional expression of the Horus temple of Edfu. They are adaptations of royal rituals in the temple context. For this, the Horus temple offers a complete context with other apotropaic rituals that is unique. In a monographic study, he will work out how it can be made useful for understanding other apotropaic rituals. Stadler's contribution also fits into the research of Würzburg Egyptology in Edfu.
Svenja Nagel

Postdoctoral researcher of the core team Egyptology (CV and publications).
Contact:; Tel.: +49 931 3188569
In previous research projects, Svenja Nagel has already studied magical texts, especially of the Greco-Roman period, with a focus on the divinatory and erotic rituals of the PGM and PDM. In the first phase of MagEIA, she will go far back to the oldest written magico-ritual spells in the pyramids of the kings of the late 5th and 6th Dynasties. The focus will be on the apotropaic spells, whose special language, stylistics, formal structure, and ritual mechanics will be analysed in detail and finally compared in case studies with the later transmission and adaptation of corresponding texts in later epochs.