Deutsch Intern
  • Extracts from magical texts in antiquity (Greek, Hieratic, Demotic, Akkadian): British Library P 122; British Museum P Chester Beatty 7 and P Leiden/London, British Museum BM 34065
DFG Centre for Advanced Studies MagEIA

Marie Barkowsky

Marie Barkowsky’s project at the MagEIA Centre for Advanced Studies is a new edition of the 1st millennium Eṭel Lilî/Ardat Lilî incantations, a collection of incantations (or perhaps a ritual series) to exorcise the Young Man and the Young Woman Lilû. Her particular research interest is the way Eṭel Lilî/Ardat Lilî conceives (and subverts) gendered adulthoods through the description of the two demons’ “otherness”. She is writing her PhD thesis on the role of demons in ancient Mesopotamian incantation series within Dr. Francis Simons’ IRC Pathways project “Mesopotamian Psychiatry” at Trinity College Dublin.


Research Interests

  • Demons

  • Incantation language

  • Gender

  • Adulthood



(ongoing) – PhD in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Trinity College Dublin

2020 – M.A. in Assyriology, Universität Leipzig

2017 – B.A. in History, Universität Leipzig


Pre-Doc Award 2020 (Universität Leipzig)



“Ritual instructions in the series Lamaštu,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 83 (2024), pp. 197-209.
(under revision, post peer-review) “A standardised demon sequence,” Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie.


(in press) Review of G. Konstantopoulos (2023): The Divine/Demonic Seven and the Place of Demons in Mesopotamia, in: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.