Deutsch Intern
  • Extracts from magical texts in antiquity (Greek, Hieratic, Demotic, Akkadian): British Library P 122; British Museum P Chester Beatty 7 and P Leiden/London, British Museum BM 34065
DFG Centre for Advanced Studies MagEIA

Charlotte Rose

Research Interests

  • Private religion
  • Foreign relations
  • Social class
  • Gender


2009       B.A. in Egyptology, with honors, Brown University

2009       B.A. in Anthropology, Brown University

2011       M.A. in Egyptian Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 2011

2020       PhD. In Egyptian Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania

Thesis: Change and Continuity: Ancient Egyptian birth practices from the Middle Kingdom through the New Kingdom

Grants and Fellowships

09/2009–05/2014   Benjamin Franklin Fellow
2014–2015 J.R. Koury Endowment Fellow
2016–2017 J.R. Koury Endowment Fellow


(Under revision) Change and Continuity: Ancient Egyptian birth practices from the Middle Kingdom through the New Kingdom.

(In press) "Material Culture of Magic: Animal Amulets and Objects in Egyptian Gynecological Spells", JNES 84/2, 2025.

(Under revision post-peer review) “Unconventional Women: Egyptian Plaque Figurines”, JARCE. Conference Presenter, American Research Center in Egypt, 2022.

"Childbirth Magic in Ancient Egypt: Deciphering Bed Figurines from Ancient Egypt", Expedition Magazine 58.3 (Winter 2016): pp. 38-45.