Deutsch Intern
Irish Studies Würzburg

[CANCELLED] Writing Together: An Evening with Jan Carson & JMU Short Story Authors

Date: 12/01/2022, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Online
Speaker: Jan Carson & JMU Authors


During the 2021 summer semester, the award-winning Northern Irish author Jan Carson convened a short story writing workshop for students at the JMU Würzburg. Carson emphasized developing structure, characterization, and narratology, but also community. When writing together, she observed, you find “a whole community of other people who see the world a little bit the same as you and suddenly it doesn’t feel as lonely anymore.” Please join us for an evening with Jan Carson and JMU authors who will be sharing their short stories and their experiences of writing together with us.

Please see for information on the Schreibzentrum I Writing Center’s past events with Jan Carson.

Please see for a podcast about the Writing Matters workshop and a preliminary publication of one of the short stories written by a participant of the workshop.

Please see for the ISWÜ kick-off event featuring Jan Carson.



If you are interested in participating in this online event, please sign up by sending an email with the subject line “WRITING MATTERS” to by  November 30, 2022. Please include your full name and affiliation or address.




Schreibzentrum I Writing Center

Prof. Dr. MaryAnn Snyder-Körber


Irish Studies Würzburg (ISWÜ)

Prof. Dr. Ina Bergmann & Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann