Deutsch Intern
Irish Studies Würzburg

ISWÜ Newsletter Winter Term 20/21


We are happy to announce the following seminars, guest lectures, and extracurricular activities for the winter term 2020/21:

ISWÜ members will offer the following seminars to students:
- PD Dr. Ina Bergmann, Transatlantic American Studies: Irish American Literature and Culture (04093243)
- Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann, Irish Studies in the EFL Classroom (04097331)
- PD Dr. Miriam Wallraven, Reading the Classics: Gulliver's Travels (04091700)
Registration will be possible on WueStudy during the regular registration period.

A guest lecture will take place via zoom on November 25, 2020, 7 pm:
Dr. Hiram Morgan, Dr. Damian Bracken, and Beatrix Faerber, University College Cork, “An Introduction to CELT: The Free Digital Humanities Resource for Irish History, Literature and Politics.“

Another guest lecture will take place via zoom on December 8, 2020, 12 noon:
Dr. Tara Stubbs, University of Oxford, “’A Global Fan-Club for the National Literature': Irish Literature, American Culture and 'Hiberno-American Blandness'?”

Details regarding registration for both guest lectures will be published on the ISWÜ website in due time.

A range of extracurricular activities will be organised by our cooperation partner, Deutsch-Irische Gesellschaft Würzburg:

We are looking forward to the ISWÜ kick-off event, which will take place on April 16, 2021. It will feature readings by Irish writers Colette Bryce and Jan Carson, a speech by Irish Ambassador Dr. Nicholas O’Brien, a scholarly paper by ISWÜ member Prof. Dr. Jochen Achilles, traditional Irish music, and much more. Save the date!

A guest lecture by Dr. Philip Coleman, Trinity College Dublin, is in the planning stages and ISWÜ members will offer at least two further seminars on Irish literature, language, history, and culture.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our classes and events!