Deutsch Intern
Irish Studies Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinfandt (University of Tübingen, Germany) “Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture (2008)” June 22, 2021, 12am-2pm c.t. (CET)

“Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture (2008)”
Date: 06/22/2021, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Speaker: Christoph Reinfandt

Sebastian Barry’s The Secret Scripture showcases the experiential dimension of twentieth-century Irish history in exemplary fashion. In setting the secret private ruminations of its female heroine against the attempts of her psychiatrist to piece together her life and her personality from the official record, the novel asks uncomfortable questions about power, gender, reliability and truth. In The Secret Scripture, the reflexivity of historiographic metafiction joins forces with the power of Irish storytelling traditions.


Christoph Reinfandt studied English, German and Musicology at the University of Kiel, Germany, where he also submitted his doctoral thesis on the meaning of fictional worlds in the English novel from the 18th century to the present (published with Winter in Heidelberg in 1997) and his postdoctoral thesis (Habilitation) on the persistence of Romantic modes of communication in modern culture (Winter, 2003). He was first appointed Professor of English Literature at Darmstadt University in 2003 and in 2004 moved on to the Chair of English Literature from the 18th century to the present at the University of Tuebingen, which he currently holds. Since 2008, he has been the General Editor of ZAA (Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik), an English language quarterly of language, literature and culture, for which he has also co-edited thematic issues such as The Cultural Validity of Music in Contemporary Fiction (54.1/2006) and Voice and Perception in Transcultural Realities: Focus on India (61.1/2013).

Christoph Reinfandt’s main areas of research are the history and theory of the novel, Romanticism, contemporary literature and culture (including popular culture), Indian literature in English, and theory. In 2008, he published a monograph on English Romanticism (Berlin: E. Schmidt) and has since (co-)edited numerous books such as Multi-Ethnic Britain 2000+: New Perspectives in Literature, Film and the Arts (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008) and Romanticism Today (Trier: WVT, 2009). Recent titles include Theory Matters: The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), The Literary Market in the UK (E-Publication University of Tuebingen, 2017), Handbook of the English Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2017), and, in the field of Romantic studies, Romantic Ambiguities: Abodes of the Modern (Trier: WVT, 2017). His current work in progress is a monograph called The Singer-Songwriter Paradigm: Performances and Media Textures.


This lecture is part of “WueGlobal – Writing, Learning, Digital Connection” funded by the DAAD / IVAC International Virtual Academic Collaboration Program. Participation can be applied to the WueGlobal Certificate. Please visit the WueGlobal website for more information:

German Irish Studies Itinerary (GISI)

The “German Irish Studies Itinerary: Great Irish Novels of the Twenty-First Century” celebrates contemporary Irish culture through a lecture series innovative in its format and execution: EFACIS-related experts in the field of Irish Literary Studies collaborate to connect eleven German universities which feature a substantial Irish Studies component. Each of the fifteen experts will be travelling (if – alas! – only digitally in these times of Corona) to several different universities in Germany to talk about their favourite Irish novels of the twenty-first century. The project addresses the challenging situation of Irish Studies in Germany, and supports individual scholars in their endeavours to put Irish Studies back on the map of their institutions and regions.

The lectures introduce students, scholars and interested citizens to internationally celebrated and award-winning Irish fiction. In their analyses and interpretations, leading experts from across Europe will be demonstrating how these novels build on a rich heritage and contribute to discussing traditional, as well as to fashioning contemporary, Irish identities at the intersections of class, gender, race, religion and sexuality, while also intervening in (pre- and post-Brexit) political and cultural debates. Q&A sessions will engage the audiences in discussions and create a deeper understanding of the Irish heritage and contemporary debates in and about Ireland, Northern Ireland and the global Irish.

The project is funded by the Emigrant Support Programme of the Government of Ireland, administered by the Irish Abroad Unit of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Embassy of Ireland, Berlin. For more information on GISI, please see:


If you are interested in participating in this online event, please sign up by sending an email with the subject line “REINFANDT” to by June 21, 2021. Please include your full name, affiliation or address, and a phone number.

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Irish Studies Würzburg (ISWÜ)

Prof. Dr. Ina Bergmann & Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann,

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