Dr. Zuzana ELLIOTT

Research Fellow
Office Phone and Email
Room: 5.E.22
Phone: + 49 931 31-81620
Email: zuzanaselliott@gmail.com
My research expertise focuses on sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, linguistic diversity, identity, and language attitudes. I am particularly interested in mapping immigrant experiences, their perceptions of locations in urban spaces, and how their speech indexes ideological concepts associated with their home and host countries.
Ph.D. Linguistics & English Language, November 2018. The University of Edinburgh (ESRC funded)
M.A (Hons), Applied Linguistics. 2010. The East Carolina University, USA
Mgr. (Hons), Applied Linguistics, 2006. The University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Slovakia
DELTA Teaching Diploma, June 2004, The University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia
June 2022 – Present | Research Assistant (Research fellow): Place constructions in London and Edinburgh: Combining big data with sociolinguistic surveys to assess how urban discourses reflect the interplay between place and space. PI: Carolin Biewer, University of Würzburg, Germany. |
Teaching Experience (selected) | |
2023 – present | Universität Würzburg (JMU) Seminare: Phonetics and Phonology Morphology Ethnicity in Sociolinguistic Research Special Topics in Sociolinguistics Dialects of English in Britain |
Elliott, Zuzana (accepted). Sounding like a local: Language attitudes among Slovak immigrants in Edinburgh, Scotland. In Routledge Volume: Language and Identity in Contexts of Migration. Cowie, Claire & Elliott, Zuzana (accepted). How do splits manifest in Contact Englishes? Norm orientation and bath-trap in Indian English. Journal of English Linguistics. Elliott, Zuzana, Soloshenko, Alena, Lemoine-Rodriguez, Richard, Biewer, Carolin, and Taubenbock, Hannes. (in prep.). Negotiating place, migration, and ideologies in London during Covid-19 lockdowns. In New Directions in World Englishes Research, EUP: Geolingual approaches to megacities: Assessing global identities and local connectedness. Soloshenko, Alena, Elliott, Zuzana, Lemoine-Rodriguez, Richard, Biewer, Carolin, and Taubenbock, Hannes. (in prep.). The value of place in social distancing: Exploring social media narratives across high- and low-income neighbourhoods. In New Directions in World Englishes Research, EUP: Geolingual approaches to megacities: Assessing global identities and local connectedness. Elliott, Zuzana (in prep.). “Say something in Scottish!” Immigrants’ acquisition of filler pauses in Edinburgh English. Journal of World Englishes. Elliott, Zuzana (2022). Becoming an in-group immigrant: Fieldwork challenges in host and home countries. In V. Mabel (ed.), “Researching Transculturally: Methodological Issues and Challenges". Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Elliott, Zuzana (2022). “I think I speak European!”: Tracing immigrant identities in Edinburgh, Scotland. In G. Georgiou (ed.), "Mind and Second Language Acquisition: Experimental Approaches." Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Cowie, Claire, Hall-Lew, Lauren, Elliott, Zuzana, Klinger, Anita, Markl, Nina, and McNulty, Stephen (2022). Imagining the city in lockdown: Place in the COVID-19 self-recordings of the Lothian Diary Project. Front. Artif. Intell. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frai.2022.945643/abstract Hall-Lew, Lauren, […] Elliott, Zuzana, & Klingler, A. (2022). The Lothian Diary Project: Sociolinguistic Methods during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Linguistics Vanguard. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/lingvan-2021-0053/html Hall-Lew, Lauren, […] Elliott, Zuzana, & Klinger, A. 2021. The Lothian Diary Project: Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Edinburgh and Lothian Residents. Journal of Open Humanities Data 7(4):1–5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/johd.25 Skarabela, Barbora & Elliott, Zuzana. 2021. The Unlock and Revive Project Report. Edinburgh Government & Charities Report. The University of Edinburgh. Kirby, James, Ladd, D. Robert, Gao, Jiayin and Elliott, Zuzana. 2020. Elicitation context does not drive F0 lowering following voiced stops: evidence from French and Italian. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America – Express Letters, 148, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0001698. |
Elliott, Zuzana and Hall-Lew, Lauren. 2015. Production of face and goat by Slovak and Czech immigrants in Edinburgh. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 808. |
Boyd, Zac, Elliott, Zuzana, Fruehwald, Josef, Hall-Lew, Lauren, and Lawrence, Daniel. 2015. An Evaluation of Sociolinguistic Elicitation Methods. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 800 |
Elliott, Zuzana. 2020. Review of Julia Sallabank, “Attitudes of endangered languages: Identities and policies.” Linguistlist: http://linguistlist.org/issues/31/31-1787.html. |
Elliott, Zuzana. Review of Inke C. Du Bois and Nicole Baumgarten (eds.). “Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives.” LinguistList: https://linguistlist.org/issues/25/25-2362.html |
Talks and conferences (selected)
07/2023 | Ouyang, Donghao & Elliott, Zuzana. ‘I wouldn’t call it home’: Tense shifts and chronotopes in international students’ narratives. UKLVC14, The University of Edinburgh. |
10/2021 | Hall-Lew, Lauren, […] Elliott, Zuzana. Age-grading and stable variation in the Edinburgh KIT vowel. UKLVC13, The University of Glasgow. |
10/2021 | Claire Cowie, […] Zuzana Elliott, Anita Klingler, Clare Llewellyn. Discourses of space and community in the Lothian Diary Project. Language of Covid-19 Conference: Discourse analytic and sociolinguistic approaches to an ‘unprecedented’ health crisis. (22 oct) University of Sussex. |
10/2021 | Claire Cowie, […] Zuzana Elliott, Anita Klingler, Clare Llewellyn. 2021. The Lothian Diary Project. Online seminar series: Using Mass Observation’s Covid-19 Collections. (13 Oct) http://www.massobs.org.uk/about/what-s-on/222-online-seminar-series-using-mass-observation-s-covid-19-collections |