Deutsch Intern
Geolingual Studies


Diana Lynn DIAZ

Research Fellow








Research Interests

My research explores the connection between discourse, social constructs, and physical spaces in large urban areas. I am particularly interested in discourse analysis, discursive mapping, and critical cartography to depict inhabitants’ evaluations and perceptions of spaces, the construction of district identities, and people’s social experiences in megacities.


I am currently an instructor for German and Composition at Arkansas State University Campus Querétaro, Mexico. Before coming to Mexico, I worked as an instructor of English in the IAA (Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik) at the University of Hamburg, Germany. At the UHH I taught Introduction to English Language Studies, Text and Response, Text Production, Phonetics and Pronunciation, and Graduate Level Composition for Linguistics. Prior to that, I taught Freshmen English for EOP and international students at the University of Chico, CA in the United States of America, where I was a graduate student. My focus was in the area of second language acquisition, multilingualism and identity construction. I completed my MA in Teaching International Languages and my undergraduate studies in Linguistics at CSU, Chico. Aside from teaching, I have worked with at-risk youth and as an officially certified translator for German and English. I grew up in the Bay Area, near Oakland but am a native of Germany.

M.A. in Teaching International Languages

California State University, Chico (GPA 4.0)

Graduate TESOL

Teaching College-Level Writing

California State University, Chico

B.A. in Linguistics (Honors in General Education)

California State University, Chico

California State University, Chico (2010-2011)

English 40 for exchange students and EOP students

California Human Development, Chico, CA (2011)

Citizenship and civics

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik – IAA (2014 – 2016)

Department of British and American Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany

Introduction to English Language Studies, Bachelor program

Text and Response, Bachelor program

Text Production, Bachelor program

Phonetics and Pronunciation, Bachelor program

Composition for Linguistics, Master program in Linguistics

Arkansas State University, Campus Querétaro (2018 - )

Composition, Bachelor program

Elementary German I&II, Bachelor program in the area Liberal Arts and Communication

Intermediate German I&II, Bachelor program in the area Liberal Arts and Communication