Planting Future: Multispecies Gardening in the Anthropocene
VW-Research Group:
Planting Future: Multispecies Gardening in the Anthropocene
Funded by Volkswagen Foundation
Practice partner: Bayerische Gartenakademie, Head: Claudia Schönmüller
Principal Investigator:
- Prof. Dr. Michaela Fenske
- Post-Doc [Stellenausschreibung]
- Sherin-Michelle Grabenstein, M.A.
- NN
- NN
People are increasingly becoming aware of the need for transformation within their everyday world. In this respect, private gardens constitute arenas of learning transformation within the polycrisis by small scale activities that add up to produce major effects. The transformation asks for new practices, plants, and fruits, as well as for new attitudes, ethics, and aesthetics.
The Chair of European Ethnology/Cultural Analysis at the University of Würzburg and its partner, the Bavarian Academy for Private Horticulture, combine their theoretical and practical expertise to understand transformation within the context of private gardens
Aims of the Project
The project will
- explore and communicate the experience people make concerning the socio-ecological crisis in their gardens
- train the awareness for gardening as a multispecies practice, a practice that combines the efforts of plants, animals, and humans.
- demonstrate the tremendous potentials of gardens as places that enable societies to experience resilience.
You are gardener and you will do research together with us? Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns/Please contact us:
Storytelling is a force for shaping the world! Through storytelling, hopes are realized, fears are addressed, and community is strengthened.
We invite you to tell us your garden stories!