VIVEIROS - Teatro do Frio

Simultaneously inhabiting land, water and air, in a culture of crossings, hybridization and resilience, the history of the genus Nymphaea crosses the history of the world and humanity.
Between an allegedly documentary approach where the plant is studied, analyzed, objectified and a speculative attitude that crosses references from various cosmogonies and mythologies, VIVEIROS articulates philosophical reflections and poetic perspectives on the human and its relationship with the other that is alien to it, with metamorphosis and adaptability as an exercise of survival, with the mister of flourishing and regeneration.
Can a plant destabilize and disturb human perspectives on its condition and circumstances, opening spaces for curiosity, questioning and regeneration of the imaginary?

Publication about the project (PT)
Multidisciplinary creation, Viveiros is complementarily inserted in the axes culture/nature and body/dramaturgy, have been developed for the first first station of the City Museum, Reservatório - Museu da Cidade do Porto, in film formats and installation.

VIVEIROS, June 2021, Reservoir - Oporto City Museum. Liquid plinths where we can observe the genus Nymphaea Chromatella, the hybrid variety obtained from the crossing between N. Alba and N. Mexicana.
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