Publikationen Carlo Corti
1) Il culto nella regione del Mar Nero: i rituali di invocazione alle divinità (The Cult in the Region of the Black Sea: Invocation Rituals to the Hattian Divinities). Dottorato di ricerca in scienze storiche e filologiche del vicino Oriente antico, 18. ciclo / coordinatore: Pelio Fronzaroli. Università degli Studi di Firenze 2006.
2) "Texte aus dem Bezirk des Großen Tempels, IV", Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 52; Gebr. Mann Verlag. Berlin 2009.
3) "Texte aus dem Bezirk des Großen Tempels, ", Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 66; Gebr. Mann Verlag. Berlin (to be expected for May 2015).
1) C. Corti (in print), “Wine and Vineyards in the Hittite Kingdom: A Case Study of Northern Anatolia and the Southern Black Sea Coast” in, "Of Vines and Wines: The Production and Consumption of Wine in Anatolian Civilizations Through the Ages". Proceedings of the international symposium held at Koç University, RCAC, Istanbul; Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement series; edited by L. Thys Şenocak. Leuven: Peeters Press.
2) F. Pecchioli Daddi – G. Torri - C. Corti, “The Survey in the Area of Uşaklı Höyük (Yozgat): Archaeological and Epigraphic Findings” in P. Taracha ed., Acts of the VIII International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw. Agade 2014, 671-681.
3) C. Corti - F. Pecchioli Daddi, “The Power in the Heaven. Remarks on the So-Called Kumarbi Cycle” in, "Organization, Representation and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East", Proceedings of the 54th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, ed. G. Wilhelm, Winona Lake. Eisenbrauns 2012, 611-618.
4) C. Corti, “Words of the Clay”, “Words of the Water”. Introduction to the Ḫutuši Magical Ritual in, Hethitische Literatur Überlieferungsprozesse, Textstrukturen, Ausdrucksformen und Nachwirken, Akten des Symposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn, ed. M. Hutter – S. Hutter-Braunsar, Ugarit-Verlag, Münster 2011 (AOAT 391), 47-62.
5) G. Torri - C. Corti, Rituale hattico per la posa del chiavistello (CTH 725), Critical edition. On-line publication, Digitale Publikation Hethitischer Texte – Rituale“, 2011 ( 725&prgr=&lg=IT&ed=G. Torri/C. Corti).
6) C. Corti, “The religious traditions of the ‘Zalpa Kingdom’. New edition of CTH 733 and related documents”; in, A Süel, Acts of the VII International Congress of Hittitology, Çorum 2010, 139-156.
7) C. Corti, “The History of the Exploration of Uşaklı/Kuşaklı Höyük (Yozgat) and the “Rediscovery” of a Middle-Hittite tablet”; in Colloquium Anatolicum 9, Istanbul 2010, 193-212.
8) C. Corti, “The tablet UK09.Ob.2: a preliminary analysis” in, S. Mazzoni, A. D’Agostino, V. Orsi, Survey of the Archaeological Landscape of Uşaklı/Kuşaklı Höyük (Yozgat); Anatolica 36, 2010, 131-132.
9) C. Corti, “Because for a long time (the Gods of Zalpa) have been ignored ..hence these offerings in this way do we donate”. New Celebrations in the Zalpuwa Land; JANER 10/1, 2010, 91-102.
10) C. Corti, “Hattušili III and the Cult Management of the Holy City of Nerik (II)”; in, F. Pecchioli Daddi, G. Torri, C. Corti, Central-north Anatolia in the Hittite Period. New Perspectives in Light of Recent Research; Studia Asiana 5, Firenze 2009, 13-23.
11) C. Corti, “The so-called ‘Theogony’ or ‘Kingship in Heaven’. The Name of the Song”; in, A. Archi-R. Francia, Atti del VI Congresso Internazionale di Ittitologia, SMEA 49, Roma 2007, 109-121.
12) C. Corti, “Notes Regarding Days 12, 13 and 14 of the nuntarriyašhaš Festival According to the Second Outline Source”; Tabularia Hethaeorum. Hethitologische Beiträge Silvin Košak zum 65. Geburtstag, Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie 25, Wiesbaden 2007, 163-174.
13) C. Corti, “Hattušili III e la restaurazione del culto nella città santa di Nerik (I)”; in L’ufficio e il documento. I luoghi, i modi, gli strumenti dell’amministrazione in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico; Quaderni di Acme 83, Milano 2006, 313-329.
14) C. Corti, “Il racconto delle origini: alcune riflessioni sul testo di Zalpa”;in Narrare gli eventi. Atti del Convegno degli egittologi e degli orientalisti italiani in margine alla mostra “La battaglia di Qadesh”. Studia Asiana 3, Roma 2005, 113-121.
15) C. Corti, “Riproduzioni delle tavole” chapter published in: F. Pecchioli Daddi “Il vincolo per i governatori di provincia”, StMed 14, Series Hethaea 3, Pavia 2003, 303-315.
16) C. Corti, “Perché a Hattuša si recitava in ‘lingua’ sconosciuta ?”; NABU 2003/4, 114-116.
17) C. Corti, “I frammenti minori di CTH 3: ipotesi di interpretazione testuale”; in Anatolia Antica. Studi in memoria di Fiorella Imparati, Eothen 11. LoGisma 2002, 171-180.
Edited Volumes
F. Pecchioli Daddi, G. Torri, C. Corti: Central-north Anatolia in the Hittite Period. New Perspectives in Light of Recent Research; Acts of the International Conference Held at the University of Florence (7-9 February 2007), Studia Asiana 5, Firenze 2009.
F. Pecchioli Daddi, G. Torri, C. Corti. Preface in Central-north Anatolia in the Hittite Period. New Perspectives in Light of Recent Research; Acts of the International Conference Held at the University of Florence (7-9 February 2007), Studia Asiana 5, Firenze 2009.